In our second drama class we played some weird games, one was quite strange where we all stood in a circle and we had to say "its a something" and people next to you would reply and eventually every one was saying something and it was really confusing, it is really hard to explain and quite hard to play but really cool. After that we were meant to start on our blogs but the computer I was on was not working properly so I couldn't start mine, but JJ was writing about me and my crazy computer on his blog but that was all he wrote about so his wasn't very good either so I have had to catch up with all this writing which isn't very easy when I am a slow typer and I don't know what to type about.
As you can see there is not much writing here because I can't remember what we did the third week three the only thing I remember was giving and receiving gifts well invisible gifts anyway it was quite fun because we had to think of something to give and make the shape with our hands and then the other person had to decide what it was.
Last week we did JJ decided to ditch me because I am to weird so now I am always the one without a partner so I wander around aimlessly looking for a partner and if there is an odd number of people I am am always left out . We played a game <<<(sorry not finished yet)
And this week "whats new" everyone is calling me a retard. We had to get in to pairs, one person had to tell a story while the other person acted it out. When we were in the middle of the story Mr semmons called out disaster strikes and the person telling the story had to come up with a problem of some sort and then a way to solve it and then we swapped positions and started again. We then told a story one word per person at a time first we did it with partners then in groups of four then in groups of six and then in a group of twelve, some of the stories were reallly cool and others were just dum. We then played sharaids which was quite dum the only good one was where Mr semmons was throwing hundreds of dolllars around. We were then told to start on these blogs and here I am.
This week we had Mrs Mc Carthy instead of Mr bendall as he is sick which was not to bad First we played some games first we warmed up with "ah so ka" and then we played freeze tag where there were two people go into the middle and start acting out somthing random and then somone else would call out stop and they would swap places with one of the people in the middle and start acting sothing tottaly different and then the same thing would happen again and again
sorry still a bit to say I will get back to it